A 309 / 310: etext transcription
< a309.txt.1; poem >
Of whom so dear
The name to hear
Suffuses illumines with a Glow
As intimate - magical as fugitive
As Sunset on the snow -
<reverse (A 310), paper flipped up from bottom>
< a310.txt.1; fragment_extrageneric >
I do not care -
why should I care
and yet I fear
I'm caring
To rock a fretting crying wailing,
Truth to sleep -
Is short no frail poor security
The terror it will
persistent as perdition
Is harder than to face
the frank adversity -
There is an awful
yes in every
Of whom so dear
The name to hear
Suffuses illumines with a Glow
As intimate - magical as fugitive
As Sunset on the snow -
<reverse (A 310), paper flipped up from bottom>
< a310.txt.1; fragment_extrageneric >
I do not care -
why should I care
and yet I fear
I'm caring
To rock a fretting crying wailing,
Truth to sleep -
Is short no frail poor security
The terror it will
persistent as perdition
Is harder than to face
the frank adversity -
There is an awful
yes in every