A 333: etext transcription
- Physical Description
- Manuscript: A 333
- Date: [about late 1882 (RWF); about 1884 (THJ)]
- Status: poem, fair-copy draft
- Formula: 1 sheet (2 l)
- Paper: wove, white stationery embossed WESTON'S LINEN RECORD 1881
- Dimensions: 203 x 126 mm, leaf
- Folds: folded horizontally into thirds
- Media: pencil
- Hand: fair
- Collection
- Amherst College Library
- Transmission History
- MSS from LND to MLT, 1888?
- Publication History
- Poems (1891), 200; Poems (1955), P 1626; Poems (1998), P 1594 (C)
- Commentary
This fair-copy poem-draft, composed around 1882 (RWF) or 1884 (THJ), was found among Dickinson's papers after her death. After copying the poem, Dickinson marked the first two lines for transposition. For a variant rough-copy draft of this poem, see A 332; for related fragments, see A 636a. Dickinson may have jotted down the fragments on the envelope while working on the rough-copy draft of the poem.
- Tags
- Text was composed between c.1870 and c.1886
- Document was discovered among Dickinson's papers, unbound
- Weston's Linen Record 1881
- Document was pre-folded by the manufacturer
- Document was folded into thirds, horizontally or vertically
- Composed by Dickinson in pencil
- Composed by Dickinson in a fair-copy hand
- Dickinson's writing appears on one side of the paper/leaf only
- Dickinson drew horizontal lines to divide the manuscript into different sectors
- Dickinson drew horizontal lines to divide the manuscript into different sectors
- Text contains underlining
- Text contains numerals
- Amherst College Library, Special Collections