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A 637: etext transcription

< a637.txt.1; letter >
Twice, when
I had Red
Flowers out,
Gilbert knocked,
raised his sweet
Hat and asked
if he might
smell them -
Yes, and pick
them too, I said,
but Chivalry
forbade him -
Tudor was not
a Beggar -
Most Arrows
slay but whom
they strike -

<reverse (A 637a), paper flipped over right and rotated one-quarter turn left>
< a637.txt.2; fragment_extrageneric >
Tis a dange
rous moment
for any one
when the meaning
goes out of things
and Life stands
straight - and
punctual X and
yet no contents signal
Yet such mo
ments are
If we survive survive
them they Expand
us, if we do
not, but that
is Death X, whose
if is Everlasting
when I was a
little girl I called
the Cemetery
Tarry Town
but now I
call it Trans -
A wherefore
but no more
and X the if
of Deity - Avalanche
or Avenue - Every
Heart asks which