A 760: etext transcription
< a760.txt.1; letter >
Throngs who would
not prize them, know
those holy circum-
stances which your
dear Eyes have
sought for mine -
I hope it may
sometime be that
you will chance
<damage, document torn>
<reverse (A 760a), paper flipped over right and rotated one-quarter turn left>
< a760.txt.2; fragment_extrageneric >
When it becomes
necessary for us
to stake our
all upon the
belief of another
in as for in
stance Eternity
we find it is how discover that it is
impossible to make
the transfer -
Belief is un
consciously to
most of us
Ourselves - an
Untried Experience
Throngs who would
not prize them, know
those holy circum-
stances which your
dear Eyes have
sought for mine -
I hope it may
sometime be that
you will chance
<damage, document torn>
<reverse (A 760a), paper flipped over right and rotated one-quarter turn left>
< a760.txt.2; fragment_extrageneric >
When it becomes
necessary for us
to stake our
all upon the
belief of another
in as for in
stance Eternity
we find it is how discover that it is
impossible to make
the transfer -
Belief is un
consciously to
most of us
Ourselves - an
Untried Experience