A 841: etext transcription
< a841.txt.1; fragment_extrageneric >
As it takes but a moment
of imagination to place
us anywhere, it would
not seem worth our
while to stay where it
was stale -
Sere must be the
inertia that could re- sist
this sunny Journey -
To many numbers it is their
only one trip, nor would they
Exchange it -
Other Sails must slack -
other steeds retire - Expire
but this is its' own
divine Relay -
We thank thee oh
Father for this gay strange
guide gait pace to Days
<verso (A 841v)>
and whose search
but surpasses the
occupying - ascertaining -
certifying - ratifying - Estimation
(Let me not thirst
with this Hock at my
Lip, nor beg, with
Domains in my Pocket -)
Has any not where
to lay his Heart, Head
here is he befriends provides
him -
A Stranger and ye
took me in -
We have (There are men have two Saviors -
an Earthly
and a Heavenly -
This one is the
Heavenly, for the other
one says of himself
he was seen of the
Twelve, and but this one
had no Hours of Flesh -
<second leaf (A 841a)>
It is his things that the
Angels desire to look
into and are not
permitted -
As it takes but a moment
of imagination to place
us anywhere, it would
not seem worth our
while to stay where it
was stale -
Sere must be the
inertia that could re- sist
this sunny Journey -
To many numbers it is their
only one trip, nor would they
Exchange it -
Other Sails must slack -
other steeds retire - Expire
but this is its' own
divine Relay -
We thank thee oh
Father for this gay strange
guide gait pace to Days
<verso (A 841v)>
and whose search
but surpasses the
occupying - ascertaining -
certifying - ratifying - Estimation
(Let me not thirst
with this Hock at my
Lip, nor beg, with
Domains in my Pocket -)
Has any not where
to lay his Heart, Head
here is he befriends provides
him -
A Stranger and ye
took me in -
We have (There are men have two Saviors -
an Earthly
and a Heavenly -
This one is the
Heavenly, for the other
one says of himself
he was seen of the
Twelve, and but this one
had no Hours of Flesh -
<second leaf (A 841a)>
It is his things that the
Angels desire to look
into and are not
permitted -