A 871: etext transcription
< a871.txt.1; fragment_extrageneric >
<damage, document scissored>
Spirit cannot be
moved by Flesh -
It must be moved
by spirit -
It is strange
that the most
intangible is the
heaviest - but Joy
and Gravitation
have their own
ways - My ways
are not your
ways -
<reverse (A 871a), paper flipped up from bottom>
< a871.txt.2; fragment_extrageneric >
<damage, document scissored>
<damage, document scissored>
is always
we are always
in danger of
The perils of magic
cannot be overesti
mated -
A single ~ /~
One a thrill can
end a life or
open it anew
and this my
This mystic territory
then is Life -
<damage, document scissored>
Spirit cannot be
moved by Flesh -
It must be moved
by spirit -
It is strange
that the most
intangible is the
heaviest - but Joy
and Gravitation
have their own
ways - My ways
are not your
ways -
<reverse (A 871a), paper flipped up from bottom>
< a871.txt.2; fragment_extrageneric >
<damage, document scissored>
<damage, document scissored>
is always
we are always
in danger of
The perils of magic
cannot be overesti
mated -
A single ~ /~
One a thrill can
end a life or
open it anew
and this my
This mystic territory
then is Life -