A 876: etext transcription
< a876.txt.1; fragment_s_extrageneric >
to know whether
we are in
Heaven or or
on Earth is
one of the
most impossible
of the minds
decisions, and but
I think it
the balance
always leans in
favor of the
negative - if
Heaven is negative
<reverse (A 876a)>
most enchan
ting fortune be
stowed upon
us by a de
lightful God
For he knew
what was in
men - I remem
ber last May
with distinct
ness and sorrow
Today has
gratitudes of
to know whether
we are in
Heaven or or
on Earth is
one of the
most impossible
of the minds
decisions, and but
I think it
the balance
always leans in
favor of the
negative - if
Heaven is negative
<reverse (A 876a)>
most enchan
ting fortune be
stowed upon
us by a de
lightful God
For he knew
what was in
men - I remem
ber last May
with distinct
ness and sorrow
Today has
gratitudes of