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H 159: etext transcription

< h159.txt.1; poem >
A Drop fell on the
Apple Tree -
Another - on the Roof -
A Half a Dozen kissed
the Eaves -
And made the Gables
laugh -
A few went out to
help the Brook
+Thatwent to help
the Sea -
Myself Conjectured were
they Pearls -
What Necklaces could
+be -
The Dust replaced, in
Hoisted Roads -
The Birds jocoser
sung -

<verso, first leaf (H 159)>
The Sunshine threw
his Hat away -
The +Bushes -spangles
flung -
The Breezes brought
dejected Lutes -
And bathed them in
the Glee -
Then Orientshowed
a single Flag,
And signed the +Fete
away -
+ Who + for Me -
+ Orchards - Meadows -
+ The East put out
a single Flag + Nature
+ Show -