Rosenbach 1170 / 18 (26): etext transcription

< rosenbach.txt.1; letter >
Aunt Katie's Rose
had many Thorns,
but it is still a
Rose, and has
borne the Extremities
of a Flower with
Etherial patience -
and every deference
to her is so sweetly
deserved, we do
not call it courtesy
but only recognition -
It is sweeter that
Noon should be
fair than that
Morning should,
because Noon is

<second leaf (Rosenbach)>
the latest, and yet
your Morning had
it's Dew, you would
not Exchange -
Thank you for
telling us of your
triumphs -
"Peace hath her
Victories, no less
than War" -
Thank you for
speaking so tenderly
of our latest Lost -
We had hoped the
persuasions of the
spring, added to
our own, might
delay his going,
but they came too

<third leaf (Rosenbach)>
late - "I met," said
he in his last
Note, "a Crocus
and a Snow Drop
in my yesterday's
walk -" but the sweet
Beings outlived
him - I thought
the Churchyard
Tarrytown, when
I was a Child,
but now I trust
'tis Trans -
In this place of
shafts, I hope
you may remain
unharmed -
I congratulate
you upon your

<fourth leaf (Rosenbach)>
children, and
themselves, upon
you -
To have had
such Daughters
is sanctity - to
have had such
a Mother, divine -
To stillhave
her, but tears
forbid me -
My own is
in the Grave -
"So loved her that
he died for her,"
says the Explaining
Jesus -
With love,
Your Emily -