Other Texts Inscribed on Documents Carrying Fragments
The following texts appear on documents carrying "core"—autonomous and/or trace—fragments; they may or may not have any relation to the fragments whose compositional space they share. Selection of an entry from this index accesses the "Reading View" of the document.
The following rough- and fair-copy drafts of poems were inscribed by Dickinson on documents also carrying fragments. Although some of the poems are very brief (see, for example, A 144), all of them appear to be more or less complete texts.
- A 144 [Back from the Cordial | Grave I drag thee], about 1884–1885
- A 156 [Bliss is the | plaything (trinket) of the | child -], about 1882
- A 175 [But that | defeated accent], about 1884
- A 444 [By no one but | the Thief -], about 1879
- A 249 / 250 [Lad of Athens | faithful be to], about 1883
- A 297 [No passenger was | known to flee], about 1877
- A 309 [Of whom so dear | The name to hear], about 1880
- A 361 [Such (These) are the inlets of | the mind -], about 1877
Letters and Messages
The following rough- and fair-copy drafts of messages were inscribed by Dickinson on documents also carrying fragments. Like the "Control Texts"—the vast majority of these "Other Texts" belong to the constellation of "Control Texts"—they share some of the characteristics of the fragments. Some of the texts included here are complete or nearly complete drafts of messages for which there are fair copies among Dickinson's papers (A 636; A 637). The other texts included here are rough- or fair-copy messages to specific, if not always clearly identified, addressees (A 638; A 864; A 887); these texts appear to be of a primarily "occasional" nature.
- Dickinson, GilbertA 887 [With the trust that the | little Citizen is already], last decade
- Dickinson, Edward (Ned)A 638 [Ned will | ask his | Cousins'], about 1885
- Dickinson, Susan Huntington GilbertA 636 [Excuse | Emily and | her atoms], about 1882 A 637 [Twice, when | I had Red], about 1884
- Addressee UnknownA 249 / 250 [With thanks | for my health], about 1883 A 359 [I never heard | you call anything], about 1880 A 175 [Though that I add], about 1884 A 864 [Thank my | Cousin -], last decade A 760 [Throngs who would | not prize them, know], last decade
Textual Remains
The following texts were probably preserved only accidentally. They appear on documents carrying other fragments inscribed and seemingly intentionally preserved by Dickinson. They were probably composed in the final years of Dickinson's life.
- A 752 [. . . I do . . . | . . .her sister . . . | . . .spoken]
- A 820 [. . .enitor . . . | . . . share . . . | . . . is]
- A 840 [. . . you . . . | . . . till . . . | . . . ment]
The following "addresses" appear on documents also carrying fragments inscribed by Dickinson. There may or may not be links between addresses and fragments inscribed on the same document. The addresses appear to be from the 1870s and 1880s.
- A 313 / 314 [Mrs Holland -]
- A 785 [Mrs. Todd -]
- A 842 [ {O}tis P. Lord - | {S}alem - | Mass -]
- A 883 [Little Margaret -]
- A 509 / 510 / 510a [ ½ pound | Sugar - white -]