Browse Documents: Library of Search Paths
Below are documents listed by feature. For more information of document features, visit "Navigating in the Archive: Orientation, Disorientation, Reorientation" Document Features section.
Original File Location
- Document was discovered among Dickinson's papers, bound into a manuscript volume
- Document was discovered among Dickinson's papers, unbound
- Document was discovered within the family archives (Dickinson Homestead; Evergreens)
- Document was discovered outside the family archives
- Provenance of the document is unclear
Current Location of Manuscript.
- Amherst College Library, Special Collections
- Houghton Library, Harvard University Library
- Boston Public Library
- The Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature, New York Public Library
- The Yale Collection of American Literature, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University
- The Rosenbach Museum & Library
- Private Hands
- Jones Library, Inc.
- The Princeton University Library
Composition Date
- Text was composed in or before c. 1858
- Text was composed between c.1859 and c.1869
- Text was composed between c.1870 and c.1886
For further information on the boundaries of Dickinson's style periods, see "'Most Arrows': Autonomy and Intertextuality in Emily Dickinson's Late Fragments."
- Composed by Dickinson in a fair-copy hand
- Composed by Dickinson in a rough-copy hand
- Composed by Dickinson in an intermediate-copy hand
Documents composed by Dickinson in more than one hand will be marked with all applicable codes. For further information on Dickinson's different hands, see the "Hand Library."
Paper Types (Fragments, Target Texts)
- A Pirie & Sons
- Athena
- Carson's on chevron of shield
- Columbia
- Congress above capitol
- C.V. Mills, capitol, and Congress
- Flowers
- Irish Linen Fabric
- Old Berkshire
- Orient
- Pure Irish Linen F.H.D. & Co.
- Pure Irish Linen F.H.D. & Co., impressed with a crown
- Weston's Linen
- Weston's Linen Record 1881
- Quadrille
- Laid, white, unruled
- Laid, off-white, unruled
- Laid, black-edged, unruled
- Wove, white, unruled
- Wove, white, blue rule
- Wove, white, emboss rule
- Wove, off-white, unruled
- Wove, off-white, red rule
- Wove, cream, unruled
- Chocolat Meunier wrapper
- Advertising flyer, The Children's Crusade
- Advertising flyer, Ny Chiropodist
- Advertising flyer, Silks
- Memo tablet, Home Insurance Co.
- Wrapping paper, Henry Adams
- Wrapping paper, brown
- Wrapping paper, off-white
- Brown paper bag
- Envelope
- Mailing wrapper
- Dust jacket
- Concert program
- Magazine, leaf
- Account book, leaf
- Student's notebook, leaf
- Law book, leaf
Document Body
- Document appears to be missing opening leaves
- Document has interior tears
- Document has been torn; text has been lost beyond the tears
- Document has been scissored; text has been lost beyond the cuts
- Document has pin pricks
- Document was pinned to another document; pin remains attached
- Document was pre-folded by the manufacturer
- Document was folded into uneven halves
- Document was folded in half, horizontally or vertically
- Document was folded into thirds, horizontally or vertically
- Document was folded into quarters, horizontally or vertically
- Document was cross-folded
- Document was folded into fifths, horizontally or vertically
- Document was stabbed for binding
- Document contains glue or paste residue
- Text contains additions or variants
- Text contains cancellations
- Text contains x or + notations, possibly indicating the presence of variant readings
- Text contains underlining
- Text contains brackets, half-brackets, and/or parentheses
- Text contains numerals
- Text contains stray letters and/or marks
- Text contains ambiguous marks of punctuation
- Text contains illegible letters, words, and/or passages
Disposition of Text Across Manuscript Face(s)
- Dickinson's writing appears on one side of the paper/leaf only
- Dickinson's writing appears on both sides of the paper/leaf
- Dickinson's writing appears within the rule of the paper
- Dickinson's writing appears over or outside the boundaries of the rule of the paper
- Dickinson's writing appears against the rule of the paper
- Dickinson's writing appears in the unruled space of the header of the paper
- Dickinson added text infra- and/or supralinearly
- Dickinson rotated the paper during the course of the composition of a discrete text
- Dickinson's writing appears sideways along the left and/or right edges of the paper
- Dickinson's writing appears upside-down in relation to the body of the text
- Dickinson composed her text around, over, or on the verso of a text written by an alien hand
- Dickinson composed her text around, over, or on the verso of a printed text
- Dickinson composed her text around or over one of her earlier compositions
- The disposition of Dickinson's text is chaotic; the order of the text is unclear
- Dickinson used the material boudaries of the manuscript--seals, seams, folds, etc.--as textual boundaries
- Dickinson drew horizontal lines to divide the manuscript into different sectors
- Dickinson drew vertical lines to divide the manuscript into different sectors
- Dickinson canceled the face of the manuscript